FreeSoftware to the fullest!

Akademy-es 2007

I spent this week end at the Akademy-es in Zaragoza. Besides the cold weather (much colder than here in the coast) it was awesome. The conference was hosted by Hispalinux and Zaragoza Wireless, and they offered us a big enough space, with good wifi connection and power to plug our laptops, just perfect.

We had some talks Saturday in the morning, Pau Garcia talked about cmake and its different features (cmake, dart, ctest, cpack), I talked about KDevelop+cmake, Alfredo Beaumont talked about KOffice and ODF technologies and Thomas Nagy talked about Semantik, which is a very interesting mindmapping tool for document generation.

After having lunch we had some more talks. For first I talked about KAlgebra (I think they are fed up about me :P), then Rafael Fernandez (aka ereslibre) talked about Goya, Albert explained what developement technologies we have in KDE4 based on KTuberling (everybody loves KTuberling now!) and finally Isaac Clerencia and Javier Uruen presented us Inspektor and explained us how did they program it.

The night after we had the social dinner with the organization, where we arrived too late because we (ereslibre, albert, alfredo, antonio and me) became stuck in a lift for some minutes, until the hotel technician arrived. The dinner was fine. Good food, a lot of people and fun :). After that we went to take something in the center where we ended up with some problems.

The next day, Antonio Larrosa had his talk about KDE4 environment and then people began to go home. The people from Barcelona we spent the time we had before the bus departure at the Hispalinux premises.

I had a lot of fun these days, I hope we will have another oportunity for another meeting!

You can find the program and presentations here and my photos of the event here.



  1. korbus ^^

    M’he mirat les diapositives una mica per sobre i semblen bastant interessants. Hauria estat bé anar-hi,sobretot ara que m’hauria integrat millor que fa un parell de mesos entre tanta K. Hi ha algun vídeo d’alguna presentació?

  2. apol

    #1. No, igual n’hi haura de les de dissabte per la tarda, depen de si trobem algú que sàpiga editar videos. I sí, va estar bé :).

    Translation: He asked if we had videos about the conference and I said that we have only from hte saturday evening, but we need someone who knows video editing.

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