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KDevelop Developer Meeting – Day[0]

So today the KDevelop hackaton started. Yesterday I spent all the day just to go to Munich, where the hackaton is happening.

It was an usual trip: Police trying to get you naked when checking if you have no weapons, train delays (yeah in Germany, I thought that this didn’t happen here 🙂 and some misunderstandings with the hostel receptionist.

When I got my room (finally), then I managed to get some food from an anonymous international frachise and had a walk in the area near the hostel. Germany is quite scary when it is dark :s…

Today we went at Trolltech offices, where Harald spoke about Qt (history, news and features) and I spoke for a while about KDE4. Then we had lunch break and Alexander exposed his ideas about what he wanted KDevelop 4 to be and we started to discuss about how should it be and how are we goint to make it rock. 🙂

Now, after some rest, it seems we will have some cultural interaction (which seems to involve beer :P)…

1 Comment

  1. William

    Just when I told you trains in Germany are very punctual hehe Just don’t code after Balmer’s peak 😛

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