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Akademy-fr FTW!

It’s been a good day today!

First of all I arrived to Toulouse where Akademy-fr is going to happen. I’m really happy of being part of this first (I hope of many) Akademy-fr edition. 🙂

Secondly, KAlgebra has been accepted to the OVI store. As far as I know, it’s the first (I hope of many, again :)) application bundling kde libs in it. So all N9* users can install it without ugly tricks! \o/

Proof: KAlgebra at OVI store.

Salutations dès Toulouse!!


  1. Kevin Kofler

    IMHO, every application bundling the libraries is a very bad idea, especially on such a limited-space device. Why not use a repository rather than shoehorning everything into the app store?

  2. Kevin Kofler

    Moreover, if you insist on bundling, static linking is a better solution than bundling a dynamic library, because it at least only copies the stuff you actually use.

    Still, using a package repository with automatic dependency resolution is a better solution.

  3. KevinIsSoSmart

    “Why not use a repository rather than shoehorning everything into the app store?”

    Because you want people that bought the phone to be able of using your stuff and not only geeks like you that know how to enable a repository on the phone and use the command line to install stuff?

    “Moreover, if you insist on bundling, static linking is a better solution than bundling a dynamic library, because it at least only copies the stuff you actually use.”

    Sure, good luck statically linking kdelibs…

  4. Pedro Alves

    > Because you want people that bought the phone to be able of using your stuff and not only geeks like you that know how to enable a repository on the phone and use the command line to install stuff?

    @KevinIsSoSmart ease up, will you? As you should know, repositories and package dependency resolution are not exclusive of the command line.

    The real question is whether the OVI store actually supports package dependency resolution, and, if so, whether there’s enough momentum already for people to coordinate in packaging kde libs.

  5. apol

    @Pedro well obviously we considered dependency resolution. We didn’t find anything adequate. Maybe it’s possible but we don’t know how.

    Feel free to join the kde-mobile mailing list in case you’re interested. 🙂

    Adding repositories is _definitely_ not an option for us, we don’t want to mess users’ device too much.

  6. Kevin Kofler


    > Because you want people that bought the phone to be able of using your stuff and not only geeks like you that know how to enable a repository on the phone

    But repositories are much better than app stores because they take care of dependency resolution.

    > and use the command line to install stuff?

    So package Apper, that’s what it is for.

    All the Maemo OSes are based on either Debian or Fedora, I don’t see a real reason not to use the same tools which work perfectly on the regular Debian and Fedora distributions.

    > Sure, good luck statically linking kdelibs…

    In principle, it should work. If it doesn’t work, fix it! (But you don’t need to statically link if you have dependency resolution anyway. It just makes a lot more sense than bundling .so’s.)

    @Pedro Alves:

    > The real question is whether the OVI store actually supports package dependency resolution,

    It doesn’t, which is why a repository is the better solution.

  7. Andre

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