The Linux App Summit is a project we KDE created, together with GNOME and some other parties. We wanted a physical space where to discuss our platform to different stakeholders.
We have seen lots of progress since 2019. From a KDE perspective, we see our flatpaks and snaps. This adoption brings all sorts of users to our software that otherwise wouldn’t have been able to.
From the other side of the equation, linux distros have been evolving like ever. We have seen a myriad of distributions using technologies that we would have never dreamed of. And we can find them both on consumer and development devices. Even KDE Linux and GNOME OS are looking into tightening the other end of that software distribution loop.
Now, it’s time to take things even further.
This year we will have LAS 2025 in Tirana. Consider participating in LAS 2025! How you ask?
- Join us! It’s free to attend and, dare I say, we are lovely people.
- Send a talk! You can come and talk us about how you are helping linux apps be a reality or what kind of problems you found with your app and how you solved them. Here you can find some more ideas.
- Sponsor! Does your organisation take part in the linux ecosystem? Take part in it!
You can follow LAS updates on the Attendees chat or here on Mastodon.
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