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Category: KDE (Page 11 of 12)

Guademy and GSoC

Yes, this year you will have to put up with me with another Google Summer of Code project (well, mainly Matt Rogers, who is mentoring me again 😉 ). This year I’ll try to get KDevelop (KDevPlatform) to be able to use plugins written on different languages through Kross. Great! 🙂

On the other side, this weekend I’ve been at València, attending to the Guademy conferences, where we have been discussing about interoperability between free software environments (or should I say KDE and Gnome?) among other things related to free (libre) software. It was quite interesting so far, despite I had to a bit earlier due to some personal issues it’s been great to be there. 🙂

Back to reality, now I’ll have to concentrate a bit more on the university before starting the summer of code hard work… But still I want to put some code that I have been baking lately related to KDevelop’s cmake support… 🙂

C’ ya!

KDevelop hackaton

I am back from Munich, I am at the university now actually :(.

It was a great week though, lots of hacking, knowing people and community building. It is always nice to know the people which have been sharing with you bugs and features :). It was kind of sad leaving the place but well, we had to come back to reality.

In the hacking side, I have been working on the cmake support as a language which is quite ready (we still lack of cache support but i’m planning to add it soon anyway 🙂 ). The rest of KDevelop is taking shape really nicely, it still has some crashes and is having some speed issues that I hope that will be addressed during the following months.

I’ll put some feature review when everything is settled down, but I’m very excited about this new IDE that we will enjoy in some months!

Take care!

KDevelop Developer Meeting – Day[0]

So today the KDevelop hackaton started. Yesterday I spent all the day just to go to Munich, where the hackaton is happening.

It was an usual trip: Police trying to get you naked when checking if you have no weapons, train delays (yeah in Germany, I thought that this didn’t happen here 🙂 and some misunderstandings with the hostel receptionist.

When I got my room (finally), then I managed to get some food from an anonymous international frachise and had a walk in the area near the hostel. Germany is quite scary when it is dark :s…

Today we went at Trolltech offices, where Harald spoke about Qt (history, news and features) and I spoke for a while about KDE4. Then we had lunch break and Alexander exposed his ideas about what he wanted KDevelop 4 to be and we started to discuss about how should it be and how are we goint to make it rock. 🙂

Now, after some rest, it seems we will have some cultural interaction (which seems to involve beer :P)…

Aditel IParty X

I spent the last along with tsdgeos, ana`, ereslibre, pgquiles and nefertum to the Aditel IParty X that happened in Castelló de la Plana, where we were invited to give some talks about KDE.

I have to say it was a great LAN Party, one of the best I’ve ever gone, sure (and that’s not because I won a Wii 🙂 ). The people, the place, the organization. 🙂 The only problem was the beamer that didn’t want to work (sometimes) with my laptop, but we could workaround that easily (thanks to Emilio :P).

I think the talks will be soon available, in case someone is actually interested (they are in spanish btw)…

PS: If someone sees a video involving IParty X and Qt4 dance, don’t look at it, it is a fake… 😎 yeah really… 😛

KAlgebra release and further work

I didn’t plan to make an entry about the KDE 4.0 release, but I just realized something which is important to me. It is the first KAlgebra release into KDE, which is great because it will have a larger userbase and it lets me focus more on development instead of poking people to get the translations and packages :). Now I wonder if I still should update the berlios and kde-apps sites… I’ll think about it.

Said that, I’d like to thank all the people that have supported to get KAlgebra into KDE-Edu and have helped me through the way.

A week ago I was a bit worried, because I had exams. I said to myself “It won’t be nice if the next KAlgebra release, with KDE 4.1, looks all the same as the 4.0”. I really was! I had lots of plans in my head and I thought that I would find any time for KAlgebra. Well, since my last monday’s exam I have been working on KAlgebra, and I have been making some great changes (IMHO).

The first one is that I am adapting it to the MVC, so that we can share the variables and functions all over the session.

The second one is that I have been adding the possibility of using multiple types in KAlgebra expression, so that we can work with Real numbers and Vectors, Matrix and so. By now I only have the Vector support working, but I think it will be useful. 🙂

KDE-Edu meeting in Paris

Yesterday I came back from Paris, where i spent this weekend with the KDE-Edu guys, where we met to plan our world domination process.

Before the meeting, I had some doubts about it, I didn’t really know how could a meeting improve KAlgebra or overall KDE-Edu. Everyone can talk to me (by e-mail, irc, etc.) and if there is any issue that should be discussed, I am open to talking to everyone. The reality is far from that. Everything flows more naturally when talking face to face, and that’s what the meetings are for: talking, discussing, knowing people and getting yourself to be known to others. I think it was very healthy for KDE-Edu, it gave me another impression of the project and makes me feel more confortable with it.

Also I had been in a sort of creational crisis for some time, I didn’t have many ideas, but after talking to some people (more precisely Frederik, Benoit and Vladimir) I am more motivated to keep working on it, so that we can have a better KAlgebra for next releases.

Said that, now I am looking forward to KDE 4.1 mainly. I just have some little issues to be solved for the next 4.0 version and then I’ll get to work on the 4.1 version. I am not going to talk about these things now because they don’t exist now, but I will when they do for sure.

Just before getting back to work:
Je voudrais remercier Mandriva, Benoît, KDE ev et surtout, Anne-Marie pour avoir fait possible cette réunion.

Au revoir!

Akademy-es 2007

I spent this week end at the Akademy-es in Zaragoza. Besides the cold weather (much colder than here in the coast) it was awesome. The conference was hosted by Hispalinux and Zaragoza Wireless, and they offered us a big enough space, with good wifi connection and power to plug our laptops, just perfect.
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Back to blog

There has passed a lot of days since the last time I blogged. Meanwhile, I have been working on my Summer Of Code (which is CMake support for KDevelop). Now it seems to work, at least someone can load any KDE project and it loads successfully, and it should work with every CMake project, but I have used KDE as to test and it works, obviously there are some missing features but I am working on it to have them soon available.

The last few days I have been working on KAlgebra, I have brought support to piecewise to be able to run conditional operations which is quite good when someone work with libraries :). If someone want to try it just ask me and I will help you, I will give you just a couple of examples :).

fib:=n->piecewise { eq(n,0)?0, eq(n,1)?1, ?fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) }
fact:=n->piecewise { eq(n,1)?1, ? n*fact(n-1) }

The next days I would like to bring multiline input for KAlgebra (yes, have everything in 1 line is ugly) and I will add some new operators such as =,<,> etc to work with it.

See you!

Last exam

Well, today I have done my last exam for this term. And yes, that makes me very happy.

In the last days I’ve done some important changes to KAlgebra. Mostly I changed the Console so that it shows the output expressions in HTML instead of a QListWidget. You can see how does it look like here. Also I have fixed some (quite big) bugs, haven’t had more time for it.

In the other hand, I’ve been working on an initial view avout cmake variables for my summer of code, I’ll begin my rush with it these days… 🙂

And now, looking forward to the aKademy!!!

Updating myself

Something like a month has passed since the last time I posted and someone asked me for a little update, then here we go.

Last month some important things (in my KDE life) happened. The first one is that KAlgebra was moved to KDE-Edu leaving kdereview module. I’m feel very excited with that, I’ve worked a lot on it and i like that someone uses it. Said that, I’d like to thank Anne-Marie Mahfouf for supporting me and the KAlgebra idea. If someone wants to know more about KAlgebra, you can try it from svn :P. I’ll talk about KAlgebra in the Akademy’s Edu and School day.

The second one is that I’ve begun working on my Summer of Code project and it is taking shape.

My main problem now is that I’ll be very busy in the next 20 days. Next week I begin exams and they will last until the 25th.


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