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Category: KDE (Page 8 of 12)

The KDevelop bugs file

Every project has these things nobody looks into, like these corners nobody clean. For some reason today we realized that we ¿still? have, in our repository, some files like this.

Here there’s a good quote:

– KDE 2 is not supported, neither Qt 2.0. KDE 2 is in development and KDevelop will be ported after the next KDE 1.1.x release.

Of course, is not very clear that we’re going to port KDevelop 4 to KDE 2,… just yet. 🙂

Here’s the (not-so-)pretty picture of the day:

group picture

PS: Yes, we guess those were brought back by the git conversion but it’s still funny :).

KDevelop’s Randa Sprint, my take

As some of you will know, these days the KDevelop team is staying in Switzerland with a bunch of KDE developers where we’re having some sprints, for me it’s KDevelop sprint mostly although I’ve had very different and interesting conversations for the days here.

We’ve just got asked to tell what we’re working on. I prefered to keep it for myself so that you get surprised the next time you see it (keep in mind that a surprise can be either good or bad :)). Well anyway, here it goes:

– KDevelop Dashboard
This one actually comes from last summer, my GSoC contained the effort to create a Plasma-based Dashboard for KDevelop. Right now I decide to make some simplifications on what I came up with and now we have some place to start creating what we want this KDevelop Dashboard to be, probably after this week another post will come with what we’ve come up with. Here it comes the ¿pretty? picture:

KDevelop Dashboard

– VCS Project Integration
Those who have talked with me about KDevelop lately will know that I had this in mind for a while and that I think that here KDevelop can really make a difference when it comes to properly adapt to the user workflow. The idea is to have coding-time information about what’s the changes in our project. For now we have this screenshot, more will come later in the future :).

VCS Changes View

Oh, and last but not least, remember all this is in our public repositories, if you’re interested in it, just try it and talk to me if you want to help!

So… what’s cooking?

I’ve probably been talking lately too much about where I was going to spread my KDE love and talking too little about what I’ve been doing and what’s happening:

Akademy-es: Yes! we’re having the Akademy-es in Barcelona this year and I know you won’t miss it. Yay! Awesome. Well it takes some preparation, so it takes some time. I feel I’m quite lucky I could find a rather big team of local KDE enthusiasts, that way I don’t have to do it all by myself but truth is it’s time consuming and love consuming. By the way, if anybody wants to help, just poke me and remember to register if you want to come!

KDE Edu: We had our yearly meeting. In my opinion most of our group work was about getting the best out of GSoC and the rebranding. The GSoC results where out last week, I hope the best luck for all the GSoC student, as an ex-student I can remember the excitement of being accepted, so congrat’s to all of them :). About the rebranding, news will be coming soon :). On the KAlgebra side, the language has improved tons since 1 year ago, it’s quite hard to show that to the KAlgebra user I guess, but we’ll get there, for the moment rocs looks like it will be the next victim.

KDevelop: As some of you already know, I’m working on my final engineering project around KDevelop, doing some static analysis using our infrastructure. It’s still going forward but it’s keeping me to commit new features to KDevelop lately, I hope I’ll fix that soon, though… >:) I’ve got some crazy ideas to be put in place, since I don’t like to talk about something that’s not implemented, you’d better wait and see :). If anyone is interested in static analysis (on c++ for the moment) you can find me in irc/e-mail and we can talk about life and spring 🙂 oh and static analysis.

In the end, a lot of things are moving, I don’t have as much coding time as I’d like since there’s always something that sounds that if I don’t do it nobody will, probably I shouldn’t think like that… but oh well, I hope everyone will enjoy my KDE areas the way we all enjoy KDE.

Hugs for everyone! \o/

Extending Call for Papers period


As some of you will know, we’re celebrating the yearly KDE Spanish event the next 20th to 22nd May in Barcelona. Since we don’t want to leave any of you behind, we’ve decided to extend the Call for Papers period for an extra week so that you can get your ideas ready in time. The CfP will close the 28th and the schedule will be ready by the 1st May.

Hope that will help to get all of you in :). And remember! If you’re planning to come, please register here:

If you need lodging and you are not sure where to go, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us so that we can give you some hints!

See you in Barcelona!

akademyes barcelona

KDevelop 4.2.2

As you will see in our website, a new stable version of KDevelop was released. Please try it!

Also you will note that our design was completely redesigned! Kudos to Milian for his hard work :).


PS: Cheers from Bilbao’s KDE Edu sprint!

April of KDE

Some intensive days are coming let’s talk about it a little :).

Next week I’ll be going to San Francisco because I’ll be attending to Camp KDE. It’s specially interesting to go there because it’s a very nice opportunity to get in touch with a KDE community that is not usually around in the events I’ve been going (it’s going to be my first KDE meeting outside of Europe). There I will be talking about KDevelop and KDE Edu (no wonder), two beautiful projects from a beautiful community like KDE, can’t be more proud of it :).

I'm going to Camp KDE!

The day after I come back I’ll be going to Bilbao where we’re celebrating this year’s KDE Edu sprint. I feel like it’s an important step for KDE Edu because it will be the first time where we are celebrating it in an education context and because we will be gathering some important people from this country who is interested in education. Hopefully we will be able to take our project to the next level, so yay us! (again :)).

I'm going to the KDE Edu Sprint!

And last but not least, I’ll be going to Vigo the week after that, where I will give the KDE talks in the Free Software master by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Igalia. I’m happy to see these initiatives happening here and proud to help to take it to the next level. (yay us! bis bis).

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

And last but not least, thanks to all the sponsors the KDE eV board and, in the end, all the people who makes this kind of things possible :). See you soon!

Social KDE

In barely 5 hours I’ll be taking my plane to Bruxelles, on my way to FOSDEM, where I’m going to meet a bunch of people interested on a lot of things like I do, mainly Free Software (and chocolate :D, but that’s off topic I guess). Also there I’ll be talking about KDE in Education at the Cross Desktop devroom. I’d like to tell anyone interested on education to come and share with us their opinion and thoughts regarding Free and Open Education.

I’d also like to remind you all that we’ll be celebrating the KDE 4.6 dinner in Barcelona (well, this time Badalona, but it’s still close 🙂 the next 19th february, if you want to come, please just follow these instructions:

Last but not least, it would be good that anyone interested in coming to this year’s KDE Edu sprint says so on KDE Edu mailing list so that we have a correct appreciation about how much people is interested in coming. There will be hacking, talks to the local community and lots of fun with the local folks in Bilbao :).

See you soon!

KDE Memory game and MeeGo conference

As some of you know already, last week I was in Dublin trying to understand what MeeGo means (I got some conclusions, maybe some day I’ll share them). More importantly though, I also met a bunch of KDE hackers and we decided to start to work on some project together. I wanted to work on a KDE Memory game for a while and there I found some time to work on it, here there’s a demonstration about what we can do.

video source:

If you’re interested on it and want to help get it in shape for the next KDE (now 4.7) release, here’s a list of what you can do:
– Think of a good name (yes, kmemory sounds fishy)
– Create a theme
– Create an icon
– Give ideas on how can we improve the theme specification (see kde.theme example in the git repository)
– Give ideas on what UI do we want (not how can it be improved, but what we want, it’s a little different).
– Just try it and enjoy yourself 😀 (no, that doesn’t mean an X theme ¬¬)

You can find the project here:


Hidden WiFI switches

So yesterday I got a Lenovo IdeaPad S10, it was really nice, the only bad thing was that it didn’t have WiFI.

I (and Albert, thank you 🙂 tried everything I found. echo’ing > /sys files, rfkill tool, looking for hidden buttons, nothing seemed to fix it. -.-

Just in case anybody comes across this one again, just install Windows, install Lenovo Power Management drivers, press Fn+F5 and press On on the WiFI and Bluetooth, then you can come back to the freedom :P.

It’s too bad that this stuff keeps happening…

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