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Category: talks (Page 2 of 2)

Social KDE

In barely 5 hours I’ll be taking my plane to Bruxelles, on my way to FOSDEM, where I’m going to meet a bunch of people interested on a lot of things like I do, mainly Free Software (and chocolate :D, but that’s off topic I guess). Also there I’ll be talking about KDE in Education at the Cross Desktop devroom. I’d like to tell anyone interested on education to come and share with us their opinion and thoughts regarding Free and Open Education.

I’d also like to remind you all that we’ll be celebrating the KDE 4.6 dinner in Barcelona (well, this time Badalona, but it’s still close 🙂 the next 19th february, if you want to come, please just follow these instructions:

Last but not least, it would be good that anyone interested in coming to this year’s KDE Edu sprint says so on KDE Edu mailing list so that we have a correct appreciation about how much people is interested in coming. There will be hacking, talks to the local community and lots of fun with the local folks in Bilbao :).

See you soon!

KDE Community in Barcelona

The story about this meeting was quite casual, during our typical beer session after our also typical KDE 4.5 release dinner party we decided we could meet sometime with our laptops to do some hacking, considering that all KDE contributors in Barcelona we have very different targets (catalan translations, pianos development, distribution development and some colorful devils) it was something that came along quite fresh so, after some discussions on where could we do it, we decided to gather on some linux classroom our city hall offers for free (rather than a bar, which would be what some spaniards would typically do on a saturday afternoon) and announced in some local mailing lists, blogs and asked to spread the word.
I must say I was impressed because I didn’t expect much people to come and that made me realize that probably we should do that more.

I think it was quite nice to be able to meet KDE users in Barcelona, there was even people from any kind: who had sent some code to KDE but, since they don’t come to Akademy(-es)’s we never got to know each other, there was also some users who just wanted to meet for a while, also people of those who know they want to collaborate but never find their spot, people who used to collaborate with KDE but life grow us apart, people who are from my surroundings and kind of forced them to come and, of course, those people inside KDE Spain who knew about this event from the first time.

I think it’s really good to be able to interact in person with the community, I guess we all know that (e.g. sprints, akademy’s) but also it’s always helpful to grow KDE interest in your local area. Just one hint: make it sure to announce it to the local free software mailing lists. It’s going to be the best place to get to the people that’s not directly into the KDE circles that are quite easy to reach, apparently not everybody reads the KDE Planet!

Some pictures:
people happy people

KDE Meeting in Barcelona

Hello fellow KDE enthusiast!
Next Saturday 9th October afternoon, we will celebrate the a KDE Meeting at Bocanord, in Barcelona.

The plan is to go there at 4pm, make a small introduction about KDE for newcomers at 5pm and then to work in different groups depending on your specific interest, like translation with Josep Maria, development with me and Alex and also Pedro offered to solve any problems you might have with Linux sound stack.
If you’re just using KDE and you have any doubt, question or just want to chat for a while, you’ll be welcome as well!

See you!
kde 4.5 dinner in Barcelona

Free Software Day

This saturday we will be celebrating the Software Freedom Day in Barcelona. I’ll be attending and I’ll talk about KDE and Education.

If you’re close and interested on the subject feel free to come and we will discuss anything you like! 🙂

See you there!

Preparing presentations

When preparing these KDE presentation we usually need some artwork from the KDE icons and sometimes I’m too lazy to find them. That won’t happen anymore since I created this really small tool that solves part of this problem :).

Works like that:

This generates a 128px kalgebra.png file with the KAlgebra icon:
kde-devel@tatilx:~$ kicons kalgebra 128

This generates a 128px kalgebra128.png file with the KAlgebra icon:
kde-devel@tatilx:~$ kicons kalgebra 128 kalgebra128.png

And of course, the real reason to post 🙂
I'm going to Akademy 2010


I haven’t found the laptop of my dreams yet (yes, I’m a romantic, probably I should write some series about How I Met My Laptop when I’m done) but life has not stopped, au contraire, it just kept moving on.

For starters, I spent last week with the KDE Edu and KDE Multimedia teams in Randa where we gathered to get our projects some steps forward. Personally it was a great experience, I was actually looking forward to discuss some issues with the KDE Edu people mostly and I think we did great, we’ll see how it turns out in the future but I’m quite optimistic about it :). Also I could meet Percy, our new KAlgebra contributor in person, so we could discuss about some technical issues we found and about how are we going to rule the world in the future. 😀
On the other hand, with my Kamoso developer hat on, it was a nice experience also to get to talk to some VLC developer to sort our problems out which is going to mean a new version soon. \o/ Great, and kudos to Alex who is doing some really tough work (VLC has bugs too! we had a hard time to realize that). And last but not least it was great to be able to show KDevelop to some KDE developers who had not realized its awesomeness yet, I even think I convinced some of them so, yay us!

Other than that, I keep working on my GSoC, I’ll have some flash visit home tomorrow and much more to come :D.

KDE talk in Barcelona

Hi, I will be giving a talk about KDE next sunday at 11:00 am in the UPC university, on the Campus nord and I am posting this blog entry because if you are in Barcelona and interested in KDE you might want to come.

Here you can find all the information about how to go, schedules and (yes, there are other talks you might want to go too 😉 ):

See you!

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